Collection Items
Angel with first seal
A framed miniature from the Commentary on Revelations 6:1-2: the opening of the first seal, with John on the left and an angel with the seal, pointing to the rider on a white horse, who is holding a bow and arrow.
Angel or Christ?
A framed miniature from the Commentary on Revelations 6:5-6: men committing violent crimes, while a king and counsellor sit in judgement (right). Christ in a mandorla with a balance (above), surrounded by the four beasts and Peter, Paul and John on…
Group of angels with trumpet and thurible
A framed miniature with John outside the frame and a group of angels receiving a trumpet from another angel on the left and an angel holding a gold incense bearer on the right. In the middle is Christ enthroned in a mandorla.
Angels pouring fire, blowing trumpet
A framed miniature of two angels, one emptying fire from a censer on an altar with the thunders above and the other angel blowing a trumpet, with fire falling to earth from above.
Angel blowing trumpet
A framed miniature of an angel blowing a trumpet and three winged horses with kings' heads and insects beneath.
Angels blowing trumpet, standing in water, holding scroll
A framed miniature of an angel with a trumpet and four smaller angels standing in water (the Euphrates); an angel above emerges from a cloud, holding a scroll and Christ is in a mandorla blessing a chalice.
Angel watching the slaying of clerics
A framed miniature from the Commentary: three men with swords kill three clerics and their souls rise up as birds; on the right a king watches, smiling and holding a sword. On the left in a spired building Christ is a quatrefoil looks down on an…
Angels with scrolls, angel with rainbow with St. John
A framed miniature of John, seated with an open book and the thunders above him; angels with scrolls to his right and left speak to him and in the centre, a tall angel stands with one foot in the water and a rainbow over his head, holding an open…