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Angel with scroll
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature of John with Christ holding books and an angel holding a scroll containing a letter. Angel Hair: short, curly, fairAngel Wings: upright, goldenAngel Clothes: red mantle over blue robeAngel…
Tags: Angels
Angel with first seal
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature from the Commentary on Revelations 6:1-2: the opening of the first seal, with John on the left and an angel with the seal, pointing to the rider on a white horse, who is holding a bow and…
Tags: Angels
Angel or Christ?
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature from the Commentary on Revelations 6:5-6: men committing violent crimes, while a king and counsellor sit in judgement (right). Christ in a mandorla with a balance (above), surrounded by the…
Tags: Angels
Group of angels with trumpet and thurible
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature with John outside the frame and a group of angels receiving a trumpet from another angel on the left and an angel holding a gold incense bearer on the right. In the middle is Christ enthroned…
Tags: Angels
Angels pouring fire, blowing trumpet
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature of two angels, one emptying fire from a censer on an altar with the thunders above and the other angel blowing a trumpet, with fire falling to earth from above. Angel Hair: short, curly,…
Tags: Angels
Angels blowing trumpet, standing in water, holding scroll
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature of an angel with a trumpet and four smaller angels standing in water (the Euphrates); an angel above emerges from a cloud, holding a scroll and Christ is in a mandorla blessing a chalice. Angel…
Tags: Angels
Angel watching the slaying of clerics
British Library Catalogue Description:A framed miniature from the Commentary: three men with swords kill three clerics and their souls rise up as birds; on the right a king watches, smiling and holding a sword. On the left in a spired building Christ…
Tags: Angels
Resource: Sample Data Set (Angels)
A sample data set to create an initial set of Omeka items. Focuses on depictions of angels in BL Add. 42555. Before using this file, you must save it as .csv
Tags: Old English, Omeka, teaching
Sample Assignment: Word Study (Word in Context)
A sample assignment using Omeka to create a multimedia word study, in an undergraduate Old English course.
This assignment will require students to explore a word within an Old English literary passage, using the Dictionary of Old English and DOE…
This assignment will require students to explore a word within an Old English literary passage, using the Dictionary of Old English and DOE…
Tags: basic, Old English, Omeka, sample-assignment, teaching